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2023 17.03.

Tanzania Safari: Discover the Big Five!

Tanzania is a mystical country full of breathtaking landscapes and wild animals. A particular attraction is the country's spectacular wildlife, which allows every visitor to observe the so-called "Big Five". Experience a unique safari in Tanzania and learn more about the country's fascinating wildlife!


Tanzania as a travel destination

Tanzania is a paradise on earth. Here you can experience the most beautiful sides of Africa - from the relaxed atmosphere on the beach to the wild flora and fauna in the national parks. Tanzania is located in south-east Africa on the coast of the Indian Ocean. The country has almost a million inhabitants and is known for its diverse flora and fauna. Safari trips to Tanzania are one of the most rewarding experiences one can have. With its breathtaking landscapes and countless animal species, Tanzania offers adventure travelers a unique safari experience. If you are looking for a trip full of adventure and wildlife encounters, don't miss Tanzania.

The Big Five are one of the main attractions of Tanzania. Here you can observe and experience the wild animals in their natural environment. Our guides accompany you on your step through the wilderness of Tanzania and lead you to the secret spots where you can admire the Big Five. From your accommodation you can go on a guided tour through the national park and observe the animals up close. With a bit of luck you might even see the rare and endangered species.

An experience you will never forget!

On our website you will find more information about the different Tanzania safaris. If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time. Each private safari can also be customized to suit your needs and desires. On our safaris, we pay particular attention to locality and sustainability. We respect the environment and nature and work closely with local people.


What are the Big Five in Tanzania?

Discover a unique natural beauty by visiting the Big Five in Tanzania. The Big Five in Tanzania include:

  • Lions:
    The lion is one of the most popular animals on a safari in Tanzania. If you're lucky, you can admire the majestic animals in larger groups. Most of the time the lions lie in the shade to escape the heat. You can encounter lions on safaris at Ngorongoro Crater, in the Serengeti or in Tarangire National Park. In the Serengeti you will see lions and other big cats (cheetahs and leopards).

  • Buffalo:
    The buffalo is one of the Big Five. You will usually find the animals in large groups on a safari. In addition, the animals are relatively easy to find.

  • Rhinos:
    There are rhinos in the Ngorongoro Crater and in the Serengeti. The animals are endangered and hard to find. Our guides know the area and know where the animals can be. Thanks to a rhino protection project initiated by the Tanzanian national park authority in 1996, the number of rhinos in Tanzania has increased again in recent years. In the past, the animals were hunted and shot by poachers.

  • Elephants:
    The largest animal of the Big Five is the elephant. Most elephants can be found in Tarangire National Park. You will usually find the gigantic animal in herds. The number of elephants in Tanzania has increased again in recent years.

  • Leopards:
    Along with rhinos, leopards are among the animals that are difficult to find. Leopards are excellent climbers and are often found in trees. Our guides have a trained eye and know which regions the big cats particularly like. Leopards hunt in the early morning or at dusk. You can admire most leopards at the Ngorongoro Crater, in the Tarangire National Park or in the Serengeti. The big cats are slightly smaller than lions and can be recognized by their distinctive black dots on their fur.

On an individual safari tailored to you, you have the chance to see the Big Five in their natural environment and in different landscapes. During your trip you can also explore some of the most beautiful wildlife parks in Tanzania. Tanzania is also famous for the incredible variety of birds and other animal species to be spotted. From the home garden to the remote wilderness areas, there is much to see and do. So plan a safari to Tanzania and experience the Big Five up close.


The best national parks for the Big Five in Tanzania

There are several national parks in Tanzania that are specially designed for the Big Five. The northern part of the country is a paradise for lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino.

The first park is the fascinating Serengeti National Park, whose name comes from the Maasai word "Siringit", meaning "inexhaustible plains". Located in the northwest of the country, the park is home to zebra, wildebeest, buffalo, leopard and cheetah. In addition, the park has more than 500 species of birds, as well as elephants, rhinos and lions. Serengeti National Park is one of Africa's most spectacular natural attractions and allows travelers to see the Big Five. It is also famous for its vast migratory wildlife - more than 2 million animals migrate each year between the Grumeti Reserve in the west of the park and the Masai Mara in Kenya in the east.

Another highlight for safari travelers is the Tarangire National Park. It is located 130 kilometers southwest of Arusha near the Tarangire River of the same name and offers breathtaking landscapes with wild baobab forest and open savannah. Wildlife in the park includes herds of elephants, zebras, impalas and giraffes, as well as various species of antelope. The resident population of baby baboons is particularly popular with tourists - just remember, baboons are wild animals!

Another national park with wild wildlife near Arusha is Lake Manyara National Park at the foot of the Great Rift Valley. Up to 300 bird species cavort here - including pelicans, herons and flamingos! But big game is also mocked; Lions often roost in the middle of trees or in the high scrub along the lake shore - so keep an eye out! The dry grasslands of Lake Manyara National Park also make it an excellent spot for 4x4 game drives; Hippos peacefully swim alongside warthogs along the lake shore, and antelope stand alongside buffalo in the meeting complexes of grazing herds.

Last but not least there is the Ngorongoro Crater in the national park of the same name in north-eastern Tanzania - one of the most visited places in Africa! The crater rim overlooks the impressively low-lying 'cauldron' where herds of wildebeest, zebra, giraffe, rhino and many other species live. There is rich bird life in Lake Caldera. The Caldera Lake has various fish species including bass, trout fish and Nile perch. This place is exceptional as almost all African Mammalia species live here. The edge of the crater offers a view of the scenic beauty, high plateaus, lakes, forest areas, but also some volcanic cones that are no longer active.


The best time to travel to see the animals

Many vacationers wonder when is the best time for a safari in Tanzania. On our website you will find a wide range of safaris in Tanzania. The optimal duration for the trip is between eight and 14 days. The country is huge. You will need some time to get to know a particular region better. We recommend that you focus on one region. Of course you can also book a safari in the north and south of the country. Thanks to the flights between the locations, your vacation time can be used optimally.

A trip to Tanzania is a unique experience, especially for animal lovers. The best time to visit Tanzania varies by species. The northern parks have the driest weather in June and July, while the southern parks have the best conditions between December and March. In addition, the chance of seeing the Big Five is significantly higher in the dry season. Therefore, we recommend planning your Tanzania trip between June and March for the best possible experience. When you book your safari adventure with us, you will benefit from the advantages of professional support as well as the best possible prices!

Our guides are at your side during the safari and will answer your questions. Before the safari you will receive instructions on how to behave properly on a safari. We move in the free and untouched nature. It is important that we respect animals and the environment.


Packing list

For your trip to Tanzania you need suitable clothing and equipment. Compact is the keyword here. You should pack your clothes in a small and sturdy suitcase or backpack. Essential items of clothing are swimming trunks, sandals, hiking shoes, a waterproof jacket, cotton t-shirts and trousers, binoculars, a flashlight and a high-resolution camera for the photos. Make sure the clothing is neutral in color. This way you are optimally camouflaged on the safari and there is a higher probability that you will be able to see and photograph the Big Five. You will also need a small first-aid kit with medication and a first-aid kit.



A trip to Tanzania is an unforgettable experience! With the Big Five as a unique highlight, you can experience the country's incredible wilderness and share your photos with the world. Enjoy the unique nature and diverse wildlife of Tanzania. An unforgettable holiday is guaranteed! Let yourself be convinced and discover the Big Five!


Enjoy your dream trip to Tanzania - Let us now put together your individual offer tailored to your needs and wishes! We are looking forward to your contact!